Thursday, January 17, 2008


Not ones to be outdone, or let the faculty have all the fun, (“’Tis The Season’, 12/7/07) the GSBM student body has announced that they are rehearsing for a theatrical performance of their own.

“It took a while to decide,” said director Jared Weidenbaum (GSBM ’08). “There were so many possibilities: Phantom of The Opera, Death of a Salesman, a musical adaptation of Wall Street…the list goes on. We finally picked The Wizard of Oz. Okay, it’s not normally done as a play, but the way so many students fit the characters, well, we had to do it!”

Liz Pasaretti will be playing the part of Dorothy. Although lots of students tried out for the part, she was the only one who was able to say “there’s no place like home” without screwing it up. It was amazing: everyone else was launching into their elevator pitches or just getting it flat out wrong, but Liz nailed it. She was able to do it with her eyes closed *and* while clicking her heels together. She was perfect.”

Ok, it also helped that she was the only one whose feet fit in the ruby slippers. We’re on a budget and couldn’t afford to spring for new props.”

Emalie Brgoch had a bit of trouble getting into the character of The Good Witch at first. But after we re-imagined the role as more of a mentorship position, she took right to it.”

Jason Faught’s fantastic 'I am Jason, hear me roar' monologue cinched the part of the Lion, and Keith Eshelman’s stiff acting during auditions won him the part of the Tin Man.”

Michael Tannenbaum was an easy pick for the part of the Wizard: A mysterious guy throwing switches behind the scenes…I mean, come on, it’s a no-brainer. With his fingers in so many pies, no one’s really sure what he’s up to.”

“I also figure that by throwing him a bone like this he’ll give me and my lute routine a spot in the talent show.”

Rajan Karla promised to grow his hair out for the part of Toto, and Brighton Keck really had no competition for the role of the Scarecrow. Besides, he was the only one who fit in the costume."

"Man, what I wouldn’t give for a bigger budget.”

“For the Wicked Witch, well, it was tough choosing who I wanted to drop a house on. There were a lot of candidates, but Jessica Jekkyl won out in the end.”

The performance is scheduled for February 8th. Please contact Carrie Gilchrist for tickets.

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