Tuesday, January 29, 2008


By all accounts, last weekend’s Renaissance Career Faire, sponsored by GTO, was a resounding success.

“I was a bit surprised at first,” said Roni Halavi (GSBM ’08). “I felt a bit out of place in business formal when the dress code was more something out of the late Elizabethan period.”

“Everyone was cool about it, but next time I’m definitely wearing my Cape and Jerkin”

“I came in looking for something in human resources,” said Fatemeh Razavi, (GSBM ’08). “But after interviewing with the folks at Gallup, I’m thinking more about becoming a Druid.”

“I was more prepared than most of the people there,” said Matt Abrams (GSBM ’08). “I always keep a broadsword in the trunk of my car along with my favorite battle axe. I know that got me big points with Kaiser Permanente. They’re big on edged weapons.”

Victor Yu (GSBM ’08) could not be reached for comment, but eyewitnesses reported he was seen “in deep conversation” with several wenches.

“I spent most of the morning at the chain mail workshop,” says Misa Hiroki (GSBM ’08), “but every time I looked up, Victor was with a different wench. It’s like they thought he was a prince or something. I don’t get it.”

“Last I saw, he was leaving with the one in the green frock and the bonnet,” added Alp Aras (GSBM ’08). “I think she was the one from the IRS. He was saying something about going to his castle. I don’t wanna know what happened after that.”

The biggest story of the day, however, was about Jared Weidenbaum and his numerous job offers.

“It was really a stroke of luck. I mentioned that I played the lute, and before I knew it *everyone* wanted to talk to me. I was being wined and dined like there was no tomorrow: Every time I turned around some guy in a Henry the Eighth costume was handing me a drumstick or another goblet of mead.”

“Before the Faire, I was thinking about becoming a financial analyst, but now I’m convinced I have more career opportunities as a court jester!"

The next Career Faire is scheduled for January 2009.

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