Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Given the current Writers’ Strike, significant changes have been made to the Business Writing (MBAM 574) class.

“Changing times call for changing strategies”, says Professor Frances Grimes. “With the strike in full force there’s a big business opportunity for selling scripts on spec. So we’re moving away from dry business prose and APA standards and focusing more on screenplays and sitcom concepts.”

Students are enthusiastic about the changes.

“Dude, class is way more interesting now”, says Matt Abrams. “I’m working on an accounting comedy that’s totally gonna be the next Seinfeld.”

“I’ve unlocked my passion for writing financial dramas”, said Joy Kao. “I’m working on one about a recently graduated group of young MBA’s working together in a consulting firm. I don’t want to give too much away, but for now I’m calling it “Gray’s MBA.”

Other works-in-progress include a marketing action/adventure by Nicholas Merriam and a reality concept being penned by Alana Turhoff.

“Some people are discounting the reality venue as tired and worn out”, explained Alana. “But the real problem is the lack of new and interesting reality topics. I’ve done a market analysis and come up with a reality concept no one has tried yet, and it’s a winner. Basically I’m going to research failing businesses and be there when the hammer falls. I’m calling the show ‘Bankruptcy: The Ultimate Reality.’”

“If it works out, I’m thinking of doing a spin off called ‘Foreclosure’.”

Professor Grimes couldn’t be more pleased with her students’ progress.

“They’re doing so well! I mean, it was rough at first, getting them all to submit material in Word rather than Excel or PowerPoint, and then there were a few who got hung up on game show concepts, but all in all, the content they have been creating is top notch.”

“Whenever the strike ends, I’m sure we’ll be seeing lots of these shows on TV. Professor Gia Weisdorn is coming in next week to go over studio contracts with us.”

While the class is currently full, there are still spaces available for the B session.

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