Wednesday, November 21, 2007



Surfrider Beach, Malibu – Second year student Lindsay Lockhardt (GSBM ’08) was involved in a shark attack at approximately 9am yesterday morning. The shark was positively identified as a great white and estimated at 12 feet in length.

“I was having an okay morning”, said Lindsay. “In the water for an hour. Couple of decent waves. You know, the usual. Then I catch this one wave-Omigod-it’s like *perfect*. I’m up, I’m dialed in, I’m totally on.”

“Then I see this guy on the side trying to snake me. I’m shouting ‘Break! Break!’ but he’s getting closer. Seriously bad etiquette. I look over and dude, it’s this shark! Next thing I know, he’s bumping my board.”

“50 yards out, perfect line, in the break, best wave ever, and some shark is stealing my ride! Dude, no one steals my ride--so I clobbered him!”

Ocean Lifeguard Specialist Tyler Morgan was in Tower 7 at the time of the attack.

“I look up and see this commotion: He’s thrashing all over the place, but she won’t let go. She’s got the thing in a headlock and she’s beating the crap out of him. I mean, we’re talking a *serious* thumping. Eight years on the job, and I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“By the time I got to her, she had dragged him halfway up the beach and was still pounding the tar out of him. I had to put a stop to it. I felt sorry for the guy.”

The shark was returned to the water and last seen cautiously swimming in the direction of deep water.

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