Monday, November 26, 2007


Pepperdine’s West Pointer seems to have gone a bit West Coast on us!

“I was down at Venice beach, looking for some cheap sunglasses,” Spencer Hardman (GSBM ’08) told Fly On The Wall. “All the usual wierdos were out. The guy in the Speedo, the guitar guy on skates, you know, just another day at the beach.”

“I’m walking past the hippie guy, you know, the one who makes the sand alligator every day and smokes a ton of weed. Anyway, I hear this familiar voice rambling on about unemployment, the real costs of taxation, and Isoquant curves. I look down through this cloud of smoke, and it’s Professor Carl Gwin!

“The dreds threw me off at first, but it was definitely him. He was selling all sorts of stuff like hemp belts, crystal necklaces, and hubcap art.”

“It kinda makes sense,” reflected Spencer. “Differentiated products, lots of sellers, low barriers to entry. Monopolistic competition all the way. I can see what attracted him. It’s a total free market down there.”

“He didn’t recognize me. And he kept trying to sell me this busted roulette wheel, saying it was just like the futures market. Just for the heck of it, I tried bargaining the price down, but he kept saying ‘Nooo, you can’t *do* that!’.”

“Anyways, it was getting late, and I still had to find those sunglasses so I headed out of there.”

Professor Gwin was later seen wandering off in the direction of the drum circle.


Anonymous said...

Nooo, you can't do that!!!


Anonymous said...

Nooo, you can't do that!!!
