Monday, December 17, 2007


An anonymous source has contacted Fly On The Wall with yet another bizarre story about Professor Gia Weisdorn. It appears that our favorite law professor is very much in the holiday shopping spirit. But as for what she is going to do with all of her purchases…well…the jury is still out on that one.

The source, calling himself “White Bread,” related the following story.

“So I’m back working at Best Buy for the holiday break, you know, just a bit of back office work for a few weeks. Anyway, the floor manager comes into the office talking about this lady who is buying DVD’s like crazy. She has this big list and she’s not just buying one of each, she’s buying *all* the DVD’s we have of each title: Catwoman, Josie and the Pussycats, That Darn Cat, The Cat From Outer Space, Felix The Cat, everything cat related.”

“Right then I had a bad feeling I knew who our mystery shopper was, but I was afraid to look. If she saw me things could be really awkward, you know? I mean, what would I do if she asked for a discount?”

“So I check the closed circuit TV, and yep, it’s Professor Weisdorn. She’s running through the store like a woman possessed: two filled carts and she’s still sweeping up DVD’s by the armload. She was like a tornado, leaving empty shelves everywhere in her wake. It was crazy.”

“It was like she was in a mad rush to get out of there…like she didn’t want anyone to see her.”

Sensing the severity of the situation, Mr. Bread took action.

“I sent the floor manager back onto the floor with orders to give Professor Weisdorn whatever she wanted. Then I called the stockroom and told them to pull *all* the cat related DVD’s we had back there. This was our big chance to unload all those Garfield videos.”

“It was amazing. She cleaned us out. She even bought all the Austin Powers movies…I totally forgot about Dr. Evil’s cat. I’m astounded. Nothing gets past her.”

“In the end, I had to give the floor manager the rest of the day off. Trying to keep up with Professor Weisdorn had him frazzled, but stuffing 900 DVDs into the Porsche, well, that broke him. Poor guy.”

When asked if he had any idea who Professor Weisdorn was buying all those DVDs for, source W.B. could only shake his head and reply in a hushed tone. “I have no idea…and I’m not sure I want to know… All I know for sure is she shattered my floor manager and a left my store a shambles.”

“But it could have been worse,” he reflected. “She could have wanted them gift wrapped.”

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